Personal rights Justice Add to library For example, the upholding and protection of political rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, access to justice, property rights, civil rights, rights to equality and non-discrimination. Question 1: Think about the...
Legal rights Justice Add to library For example, access to information and knowledge about legal rights and responsibilities; being able to obtain legal advice, assistance and support that is culturally appropriate or relevant to special needs; access to justice...
Support victims of crime Justice Add to library For example, being listened to when disclosing a crime; being offered comfort and emotional support; being provided with information about appropriate services (e.g. medical services, counselling, return to work);...
Transition out of the justice system and community reintegration Justice Add to library For example, being supported to transition out of the justice system (e.g. completing orders or leaving custody); being supported to return to everyday life in community. Question...
Access to interim or crisis accommodation Housing Add to library For example: access to safe, temporary, interim or emergency/crisis accommodation. Question 1: Think about your access to interim or crisis accommodation. For example: access to safe, temporary, interim...