Gain employment Employment Add to library For example, being able to gain paid employment including part or full time, casual or subsidised employment or through self-employment. Question 1: Think about whether you have gained employment. For example, being able to...
Reasonable accommodations and related supports Employment Add to library For example, access to specialist supports in the workplace and workplace adaptations; access to social networks and community supports, including mentoring, to assist with employment. Question...
Maintain employment Employment Add to library For example, having the skills to keep a job, managing changes to employment or career advancement, and maintaining self-employment. Question 1: Think about your ability to maintain employment. For example, having the...
Secure and sufficient work Employment Add to library For example, having ongoing or secure work, having a secure income (including sick pay or holiday pay), feeling secure in your employment or self-employment. Question 1: Think about your job security. For example,...
Job satisfaction Employment Add to library For example, liking the job role and being satisfied with salary, conditions and advancement opportunities, enjoying work, and having work-life balance. Question 1: Think about your job satisfaction. For example, liking the...