
General Housing Add to library For example, access to housing modifications/supports; interim or crisis accommodation; safe housing and neighbourhood; stable housing; suitable housing; affordable housing. Question 1: Think about your housing circumstances. For...

Housing modification/ supports

Housing modifications/supports Housing Add to library For example, housing modifications to suit special needs (e.g. rails, ramps), access to support to live independently. Question 1: Think about your housing modifications/supports needs.  For example, housing...

Access to interim or crisis accommodation

Access to interim or crisis accommodation Housing Add to library For example: access to safe, temporary, interim or emergency/crisis accommodation. Question 1: Think about your access to interim or crisis accommodation. For example: access to safe, temporary, interim...

Safe housing and neighbourhood

Safe housing and neighbourhood Housing Add to library For example, feeling safe and secure at home, living in a safe neighbourhood, and having privacy. Question 1: Think about the safety of your housing. For example, feeling safe and secure at home, living in a safe...

Stable housing

Stable housing Housing Add to library For example, having secure tenancy or mortgage, being able to maintain tenancy without defaulting, or having long term housing. Question 1: Think about your housing stability. For example, having secure tenancy or mortgage, being...

Suitable housing

Suitable housing Housing Add to library For example, having a choice who to live with and where, in housing that is in a fit condition and has all the necessary utilities (e.g. electricity) and heating/cooling, that has access to shops, services and facilities (such...