Child/young person: social skills


For example, the social skills a child/young person needs to get along with others, such as controlling their temper, joining in on activities with other children/young people, taking part in conversations with kids and adults, sharing things, expressing sympathy or concern, expressing themselves, communicating and behaving appropriately in different settings.

Question 1:

Think about your child’s/young person’s social skills.

For example, the social skills your child/young person needs to get along with others, such as controlling his or her temper, joining in on activities with other children/young people, taking part in conversations with kids and adults, sharing things, expressing sympathy or concern, expressing themselves, communicating and behaving appropriately in different settings.

How have these changed for your child/young person since coming to the service?

Question 2:

Do you think [the service] made a positive contribution to your child’s/young person’s social skills?