Mental health


For example, having mental health and wellbeing, engaging in planned treatments (e.g. support from mental health practitioner and medication); dealing with trauma, grief, depression, anxiety and stress; engaging in process of recovery (through hope, empowerment etc); decreased distress (including suicidal ideation/attempts), and being satisfied with life overall.

Question 1:

Think about your mental health.

For example, having mental health and wellbeing, engaging in planned treatments (e.g. support from mental health practitioner and medication); dealing with trauma, grief, depression, anxiety and stress; engaging in process of recovery (through hope, empowerment etc); decreased distress (including suicidal ideation/attempts), and being satisfied with life overall.

How has this changed for you since coming to the service?

Question 2:

Do you think [the service] made a positive contribution to your mental health?