Personal development and living skills Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, communication, interpersonal and social skills; life skills and skills for independence; self-confidence. Question 1: Think about your/your child’s personal...
Attending education/training Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, attending suitable education or training. Question 1: Think about your/your child’s attendance at education/training. For example, attending suitable education or training. How...
Reasonable accommodations and related supports Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, feeling safe, secure and supported in education settings through the provision of reasonable accommodations, including assistance for individual and special...
Parental/caregiver and family engagement in supporting individual’s learning Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, parental/caregivers and family involvement in their child’s learning, in school activities and school community. Question 1:...
Participation and engagement in education/training Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, engaged and benefitting from educational opportunities; enjoying and being satisfied with education; feeling confident and motivated to contribute and...