General Learning, skills and development Add to library For example, personal development and living skills; access to education/training; attending education/training; reasonable accommodations and related supports; parental/caregiver and family engagement in...
General Services and government benefits Add to library For example, receiving entitlements/government benefits; access to information about services; access to/receipt of crisis services and supports; access to/use of services. Question 1: Think about your access to...
General Social inclusion Add to library For example, social connections and relationships, social support, participation in community and social activities, feeling valued and belonging, connection to culture, having a say in community. Question 1: Think about your...
General Safety Add to library For example, being safe where one lives or sleeps, safe relationships, safe environments, cyber safety, risk awareness, safely speak and act. Question 1: Think about your safety. For example, you are safe where you live or sleep, have...
General Justice Add to library For example, the upholding and protection of personal rights, legal rights, and support for victims of crime. Question 1: Think about your experience obtaining justice. For example, the upholding and protection of personal rights, legal...