General Employment Add to library For example, career planning/knowledge; relevant job skills; relevant work experience; job seeking skills; positive work attitudes and appropriate behaviours; gain employment; reasonable accommodations and related supports; maintain...
Career planning/knowledge Employment Add to library For example, getting career advice and information, identifying meaningful career goals, and making plans to achieve them. Question 1: Think about your career planning/knowledge. For example, getting career advice...
Relevant job skills Employment Add to library For example, having the necessary technical skills including literacy, numeracy, communication, problem solving, and job-specific skills including skills for self-employment. Question 1: Think about your job skills. For...
Relevant work experience Employment Add to library For example, having the relevant level of work experience that has resulted in general preparation for work and job-specific skills and know-how; building experience of work, work history and work success. Question 1:...
Job seeking skills Employment Add to library For example, job search skills including having a current CV, finding suitable jobs via internet or other media and making direct contact, having interview and presentation skills (communication and appropriate clothing for...
Positive work attitudes and appropriate behaviours Employment Add to library For example, positive attitudes to work, motivation and aspirations around work, confidence, interpersonal and social skills relevant to the workplace. Question 1: Think about your...