General Finance Add to library For example, ability to cover a financial emergency; meet basic expenses; having adequate financial management skills; access to financial advice, products and supports; money for more than basic needs; sets and pursues long-term...
Cover a financial emergency Finance Added to Library For example, can access money in an emergency; has strategies for when money is short or there is an unexpected expense; has some ‘rainy day’ savings; can draw on other resources to assist. Question 1: Think about...
Meet basic expenses Finance Add to library For example, you might have a tight but stable budget; sufficient income to cover all necessary outgoings; ability to meet expenses and pay bills; manageable debt; can meet your immediate needs; have control over finances....
Financial management skills Finance Add to library For example, able to manage your own money, make decisions about financial matters and deal with letters and financial forms; budget to live within your means; understand how to use and manage bank accounts; keep...
Access to financial advice, products and supports Finance Add to library For example, access to affordable payment plans; to suitable financial products; to financial advice; access to debt management, debt counselling and solutions; knowing who to ask and where to go...
Money for more than basic needs Finance Add to library For example, having access to disposable cash; increased income for non-essential things; able to afford some little extras; have the financial freedom to enjoy life. Question 1: Think about your having money for...